robots, video games, douchebag, wtf, religion, luna not so linkies, sex, science, toy, space, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, stupid, death, food, fashion, blood, videos, photos, cats, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 95

    the_perkygoff Nov 18, 2009 18:29

    UGH. I'm currently typing up week 96 and this at the same time, and adjusting the date on this bad boy to reflect the 18th. Sorry for the delay and be sure to view week 96 (11/25) as well!

  • HOLY DRUSTRUCTION OF LIVES, BATMAN. Wear your effin wrist strap! - Woman hits dog with Wiimote, killing it, neighbor revives. It's one long ass article title ( Read more... )

    video games, wtf, luna not so linkies, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), under da sea, stupid, it's da future! :o, death, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, comics, links tiem, skool, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 94

    the_perkygoff Nov 13, 2009 11:18

    I had a pretty major lab practical this past week on the muscles of the body... you know the sort in any number of varying topics. It's the kind where you, given enough time, you look at something and you strike gold on what something's suppose to mean ("XIPHIHUMERALIS!! I UNDERSTANDS!!") and the heavens part and all that jazz, or you realize ( Read more... )

    tv, wtf, science, art, under da sea, animals, death, music, food, doom, fashion, japan, videos, photos, kids, politics, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 93

    the_perkygoff Nov 04, 2009 07:36

    So hay, still not sure what I'm going to do for the 100th round of the linkies... but I'll think of something. And if not, I'll take the week off. One of those. This week, I'm got some residual links from Halloween, mixed in with the usual stuff. I realized I pulled a lot of videos this week, which can be equal parts yay and nay, so forgive me and ( Read more... )

    video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, space, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, stupid, animals, death, music, creepy crawlies, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, photos, creepy, politics, kids, when fandom attacks, links tiem, zombies/vampires, ways in which they fail, lists, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 92 [Happy Halloween!]

    the_perkygoff Oct 28, 2009 07:25

    Happy Halloween! Okay, maybe not yet, but since Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, and the linkies are generally on Wednesdays, it was an awkward call whether to have the Halloween themed week today or next week... and I'd figured today would be more appropriate in getting you guys in the mood. Anywho, here's a mess of links of the weird, the ( Read more... )

    robots, dogs, video games, wtf, religion, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, music, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, candy, photos, creepy, comics, links tiem, zombies/vampires, skool, omgwant, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 91

    the_perkygoff Oct 21, 2009 20:43

    I'm afraid this one's getting posted a little late, since I was also late with last week's. If you're viewing this, you can also access week 90, which has some glorious stuff in it. Before I begin, I just want to say that NEXT week will be Halloween week! So I'll have plenty of weird goodies for you, but if you have any links of your own you want ( Read more... )

    disney, dogs, douchebag, wtf, religion, science, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, music, sweet tech, japan, weirdos, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, links tiem, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 89

    the_perkygoff Oct 07, 2009 06:09

    In a rare twist of fate (also: procrastination), I find myself writing the linkies up much earlier than usual (the time of this is actually Monday, though if I don't forget, it'll be up on either Tuesday or, more likely, Wednesday), mostly because my week is so insane this week. Let's end the preamble and begin (and as always, the Master ListRead more... )

    dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, stupid, animals, death, music, food, weirdos, videos, photos, cats, when fandom attacks, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 88

    the_perkygoff Sep 30, 2009 17:05

    For all my careful planning the last week or two, I failbot'd today with planning ahead (I blame my A&P lab practical tomorrow). Let's get going with some last minute pulled together stuff! Coincidentally, this means you're getting loaded down with the videos this week, OF WHICH I THINK YOU'LL SURVIVE. Nothing too long, in any case. Let's start:

  • Read more... )

    dogs, exorcist, video games, wtf, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, creepy, when fandom attacks, ads, links tiem, smooth criminal, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, movies

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 83

    the_perkygoff Aug 26, 2009 22:49

    To make up for even more more of my tardiness (again, because last week and this week were late, I went and altered the date to reflect the date it SHOULD have gone up), I went a little wild with the links. Set aside some time, because I have 25 for you today. If you went looking and didn't see last week's, they are up now as well.

  • THIS XBOX. IT'Read more... )

    dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, toy, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, videos, photos, cats, politics, kids, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, dolphins, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, drugs, epic lulz

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